Episodic Television Programming

“Chef Roc & the Joc” was a whirl wind of production. Airing once a week in our eight episode season on Fox San Diego made for a very tight schedule, to say the least.

Chef Roc and the Joc - Bare Back Grill

This was our first show in the series. I shot this single camera while directing, managing sound and setting up lighting. Editing was crazy. We would shoot early in the week, I would begin post (along with editing the regular automotive ads we were doing) late in the week, finish on Sunday and deliver to the station Tuesday for an airing on Saturday.

Chef Roc and the Joc Show - Nugent Fire Grill

Big Ben Davidson shares stories from the gridiron you will not find anywhere else.  And a martini with Elderflower Liqueur. Can you say, “French Gimlet?”

Chef Roc and the Joc Show - Holes For Heroes

Cooking with MREs?  Yes!  You CAN make them tasty… the Chef Roc way.  And Gene Locklear was our special guest.  What a storied career he had.  Watch the guys have fun with this insightful interview.